Since 2021 it's mandatory that all inverters in Australia are configured to follow one of Australia's AS4777.2 Grid Codes.
Setpoints are defined by region of installation, as per the following categories:
Australia A: For large interconnected power systems, e.g. all Australian networks other than those specified below
Australia B: For small interconnected power systems, e.g. Western Power
Australia C: For isolated or remote power systems e.g. Horizon Power and TasNetworks
New Zealand: All systems in New Zealand
To adjust your systems Grid Code
1. Navigate to the settings page by pressing the ‘cog’ symbol in the top right corner of the touch screen.
2. Select "Grid Setting"
3. Select the Grid Mode (White Box) and use the physical buttons below the screen to adjust your grid code
4. Ensure your grid type, voltage and frequency also match.
5. Touch the tick in the bottom right corner to save.
While Volt-Watt and Volt-Var settings don’t generally need to be changed, it is possible to cycle through the menu and adjust the default setpoints if required.
Source: Setting-the-Correct-Grid-Code-11.07.24.pdf (